This upcoming Canada Day, the Temps are going to do something a little different to celebrate our nation with you. All of us Canadians have been impacted in some shape or form by the Tragically Hip. They are one of our most cherished Rock n’Roll story tellers. More importantly, Canadiana story tellers. ‘Where were you when…’ will resonate for all of us when asked about Gordon Downie’s ill treatable diagnosis.
Too frequently we come across pop music that lacks a deeper meaning, vacant of the ability to make you think. Of course music can be fun for the sake of fun. This is wonderful too. The Temps are a cover band, and we know this when picking song choices that we hope our audiences will enjoy. However, we also pick song choices with a much deeper meaning to the members of the group.
This Friday at the Irish Times we will be dedicating our entire third set to the Tragically Hip. We’ve picked a collection of songs that we enjoy, and we hope you will too. If you are a Tragically Hip fan, enjoy live music, and you are celebrating Canada Day in Victoria, make your way down to the Irish Times to catch our final set of the evening.
We start the night at 9. The Tragically Hip tribute will begin at 11:30.
The Temps are committed to pay tribute to one of our heroes.
Have #courage Gord.